Thursday, June 28, 2007


Some things that I am now using that I don't mind learning about is the cell phone. I only use it for emergencies. Now I have my other family members cell numbers in my address book so that I can just call if needed. Something new I just learned.

Using the camera on my cell phone is also something new I have been learning.


Jen said...

I've really come to see the value in cell phones recently too...I was reluctant to get one at first. And Kendall really likes to use the camera on it, she gets a kick out of seeing the pictures she takes instantly!

BrambleRose said...

cell phones are another thing some of us get dragged kicking and screaming to, but then you get so addicted to them.

Unknown said...

We use our cellphone only for emergencies. And for traveling. On our long drive back from Florida, John got into text-messaging the kids while we were driving- I enjoyed hearing the interaction, but I'm not a happy text-messager.
I guess we have a primitive cellphone- no camera.

suzanne said...

I like having a cellphone too! It's nice to know that folks can get a hold of me if there are issues with my kids. I haven't learned to text message yet and my phone doesn't have a camara on it.
Looks like you're coming along on your blog - great! Suzanne